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Imagine you had the power to change the world. What would you do? How would you do it? Who would you enlist to help you? What would you change?

When my daughters were growing up I often reminded them of their own personal power to change their world for the better. I would say 'You might not be able to change the whole world but you can sure change your one.'

I am proud of my grown up daughters who through their years at school and in the workplace have stood up for the person needing a voice, protected the person being bullied, cared for the person needing empathy, shone for the person needing a hero, connected deeply with the person needing a kind word. They continually and consistently love on the world. They use their power to exercise their values of justice, kindness, compassion, empathy, courage and so many more.

What are your values and how do you find them? What do you do for your immediate world? Do you promote peace and forgiveness? Do you step up and step forward while everyone else walks away? Each one of us can change our world we live in for the better. Promote peace. Live in harmony and love the life you have.

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